salonMonster Tips: Names and Numbers.



After having several conversations with my co-worker’s at the salon I work at about how to take advantage of all the features of salonMonster I thought perhaps a series of posts on my thoughts on this would be helpful to everyone using it.

This week I want to talk about a couple of the little things that go a long way with your clients. First off is your clients names. I can’t tell you the amount of times I have seen people using salonMonster not spell their clients names correctly or use lowercase letters to start the name. Remember, the way in which you spell and type names in salonMonster is how your clients confirmation and reminder emails will have their name appear. I don’t know about you but I really appreciate it when my someone takes the time to ask me how to spell my name and using lowercase letters to start a name just appears unprofessional.

This attention to detail directly reflects upon our abilities to provide our services. If it appears that you are not taking the small amount of time necessary to spell a name correctly then how we expect clients to have confidence in our technical abilities.

The second tip I have for you is not so much for your clients but will make your life easier. Always be sure you have the correct phone number for your clients including area code and placing a “1” before the number so that if it is long distance you will know it. Every time a client pays for a service be sure to ask or have your receptionist ask if the number you have on file is correct. This will guarantee that if you need to cancel or inform a client of any changes in the future you can always reach them.

I hope these were useful to you and if you have any questions about these tips please feel free as always to contact us!


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