Not “Just a Stylist”

I recently saw Tabatha Coffey talk at the ABA conference in Vancouver and found her talk to be very inspiring.

One of my favourite comments of hers was that we have to stop saying that we are “just a stylist”. As hair stylists we seem to have some sort of inferiority complex.  We are so much more than just stylists!  How many people have the ability to change how someone feels about themselves.  We have the unique opportunity to make people feel better about themselves, to boost their self confidence.  Who knows what this might allow them to go on and achieve.  This is truly a gift that few are fortunate to be able to give.

So next time someone asks you what you do don’t say you’re “just a stylist”.  You’re a stylist and proud of it!


One Comment

  1. susie goldenberg wrote:

    Good morning,
    I have been a STYLIST for 12 and a half yrs and I have been proud of every min of it! I was a PHILOSOPHY MAJOR in UNI. and I have been able to take that knowledge and apply it to my craft in the personal way that us STYLISTS know how to do! We have the power to manifest great emotional and personal discoveries for a client, and I am forever grateful for that. As well, we are privy to seeing the life changes and new endeavours our clients experience; such as weddings , graduations and job offers. We are an integral part of their lives wether the client is aware of it or not!!
    I hold Tabatha in the highest regard for her quest in re-establishing the entire industry into a well respected career that STYLISTS can be proud to be a part of.
    Thank you Tabatha for the passionate crusade you are on.

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