Classic Braun Hairdryers

I’m a huge fan of classic Braun products and in particular the work of Dieter Rams who was their chief of design from 1961 to 1995. I find his “less but better” design approach very inspiring and would recommend everyone read his Ten principles of “good” design” (Vistoe has a good summary of them here).

Feeling down on the ugliness of most current hairdryer design and thought I would do a little digging to some of the classic braun dryers and thought I’d share them with our readers. While they might not all be the right choice for a salon environment they sure make you think about how much more aesthetic current dryers could be .

I seem to be missing a couple of their dryers based upon the numbering system they use, but here’s what I found:

Braun HLD2

Designed by Reinhold Weiss in 1964

Braun HLD4

Designed by Dieter Rams in 1970

Braun Rapido (1970s HLD2)

Designed by unknown Weiss in unknown year

Sold in the US as the Gillette Promax

Braun HLD5

Designed by Reinhold Weiss in 1972

Braun Super Brushing

Designed by unknown in 1982


During my research I came across a phenomenal resource of classic electronics put together by Gugue.  It really helped me out and I’d recommend browsing their flickr page if you’re into vintage electronics.  They had a couple of classic posters for braun that I just have to include:


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