20 Questions

So we had been wanting to do a 20 questions series for a while but had been busy with writing code. So here we go!

Our first participant is Jen Vanderleij one of the owners of Clover Earthkind Hair Salon, an Eco-friendly salon in Vancouver B.C. When we sent her the questionnaire it had 43 questions and said to choose 20 to answer. Her response, “I’m answering them all because I’m like that.. you choose!” We couldn’t choose so here is all of them. hope you enjoy!

What book are you currently reading?

5th business by Robertson Davies.. again.. along with a few chemical dictionaries.

What inspired you to enter the beauty industry?

The love of colour! As cheesy as it sounds, being able to be a part of creating depth and dimension on a human head.. it’s really a fantastic job. Giving someone a colour that shares their personality and beauty with the world is a lovely way to spend the day.

What’s great about the neighbourhood you work in?

We’re in the hub of downtown without the chaos of it. We’re lucky enough to be a convenient location while still having a quiet corner in the downtown core. It’s ideal.

What service do you think shouldn’t exist?

Well, service I don’t know so much about.. products I could go on about for days. If I HAD to say something, I’d think perms… and graffiti removal (;

What service will you never do again?

Perms and/or straighteners. They have always made me nauseous.. and in light of what my business stands for, it doesn’t make sense to do something so chemically offensive.

What’s the worst celebrity style you get asked to recreate?

As of late I’ve been quite lucky. My clients are a realistic bunch. I’ll never, however, forget the days of Jennifer Aniston and Lopez. Unrealistic expectations from unrealistic lighting and hair types. I still cringe when I think of it.

Thing you wish someone had told you when you first started?

I wish someone had told me that you don’t always have to be a ‘yes man’ to succeed. I spent years being one.. and am much better off now giving my clients what they need as opposed to what they want. It’s a fine line.

What excites you most about the future of the beauty industry?

We are approaching a new age of hair.. or I should say, a new age of understanding in what goes into our hair. The monster companies are realizing the demand for safer and healthier products.. and I can’t wait to see what they come up with.

What did you want to be as a kid when you grew up?

A vet. I still do sometimes.

Who inspires you?

Ella Wheeler Wilcox. It’s a horrible answer, but… she is a poet, now deceased, from the late 1800’s. There is a hope and desperation in her writing that builds a desire in me to live out every emotion and want in life. This is a great help in owning a business.

Favourite drink?

Ribena.. or vodka and ginger-ale with lime. Depends on the day.

Favourite tool & why?

Drop forged needle-nosed pliers. You can fix anything with those suckers..
Oh, but for hair? Guarded razor, hands down.

Least favourite tool?

Serrated straight blades. Yuck.

Favourite product or line of products & why?

I love the John Masters line for what it doesn’t have in it. Clean product means no nasties down the drain and better hair health. We have to sacrifice a large amount of options with more natural products, but that’s of no issue to me.

Best place for inspiration?

Road trips in BC. Nature, and local at that, has some great things to share.

Thing you love most about your salon or spa?

The people that work in it. I’m lucky to be surrounded by some great talent and ever greater personality. Everyone brings something different and fantastic to the table. Also it feels like a living room in there.. and that is a win for everyone.

Thing that irritates you most?

Dishes and colour bowls in the backroom sink. What can I say?!

Worst haircut you ever had?

Me? Personally? Um, someone went a bit wild with the texturizing shears… felt bald, took about 2.5 years to grow out. Word to the wise, if you don’t know how to use them.. don’t.

Best haircut you ever gave?

I had a 13 year old girl with long hair in my chair.. she wanted a change to go into high school. She had great ideas for fringe, layering and length. I was able to go wild with her ideas and it turned out great. Her adorable, happy little face walking out of the shop was worth millions.

Worst salon name you’ve ever heard?

I feel like if I say it I’ll get into trouble.

Favourite thing to eat at work?

Crackers and anything. A great, quick carb filler on the run!

Strangest request you’ve ever had from a client?

Haha! Oh dear, a male friend of mine wanted a cut that would last 6 or 7 months.. but not too short, not too long, and not to grow out ‘funny’ before 6 months. It was ridiculous and impossible.

Oddest thing you’ve witnessed in a back room?

Hmm.. it looked like dry humping, but you should never enter a room without knocking. Context is everything.

Best food joint near your salon?

I like the local Jensei River Sushi. They’re nice, speedy and consistent.

Most inspiring magazine(s) for style?
Bust, i.D, and nylon.

Favourite eco-friendly technique for the beauty industry?

Everything! I think every salon should focus on, if nothing else, recycling their hair foils. It’s a HUGE amount of waste per year, and an easy fix. And stop running water like it comes from an imaginary hole in space. Just saying.

What are your thoughts on the brazilian blowout?

We never brought it into the salon because I wasn’t able to get (out of the company) a comprehensive ingredient list. I was told, “oh sweetie, it’s all nuts and berries” and am far beyond believing everything I hear. If I can’t run into the forest and rub my head into the ground to get the same results, it’s probably not truthful.

What are your thoughts on the move to less toxic beauty products?

LOVE! We’ve been bringing in healthier products for years.. and it’s becoming less difficult to find them these days. I hope everyone follows suit eventually.

Best way to get rid of a problem client?

If they’re a problem to you, they’re probably not entirely happy either. Having a conversation with them about the both of you getting what you want from the experience and guiding them to their next stylist usually does the trick.

Your go-to outfit for your salon or spa?


Best business tip someone told you?

Keep going and shut up.

Messiest accident?

I used a colour brush that someone hadn’t fully cleaned once. It turned beige highlights into champagne pink. Thank god I’m a correction goddess at the sink.

Worst injury witnessed in a salon?

A few salons back.. a client leaned forward on a fully heightened chair. She fell straight forward into the mirror and knocked herself near unconscious. It was scary, but she was ok.

Music you like to listen to when you cut?

Shoegaze. I’m sad that the rest of my fellow hair folk wouldn’t agree (;

Who would your dream client be?

Most of the clients I have.

Tea or Coffee?

I’m in a change phase.. so I’ll say tea, for now.

If you could move your salon to any city in the world where would it be?

Amsterdam. My father grew up nearby and I love it. It’s beautiful, inspirational and calm.

School or Apprenticeship?


Favourite thing about beauty shows?

New product, sales and wild hair that does not belong in real street life.

Least favourite thing about beauty shows?

Pretension and lies. I worked backstage for L’oreal for a bit.. no matter what you do backstage for colour, they’ll advertise the newest product. I might be a bit bitter. Stage life is not for me.

Salon mascot, Cat, Dog or other?

Meow! with flowers.

Wedding hair, love it or hate it?

Not talented with it, thus hate it. Seriously though, we need to modernize that entire area of hair.

Toxic vs non-toxic hair services?

Non-toxic. If it works, it’s clearly a better option. If it doesn’t, we should all be patient enough to wait for something that does.

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