I’ve often wondered why salon appointment books always use such bad stretched numbers for the hours column. For someone interested in typography and graphic design it drives me crazy. I guess it must have started as a way to keep the columns narrow to fit as much on the page as possible, but it must […]
If you haven’t seen it yet, I’d highly recommend watching Chris Rock’s “documentary” Good Hair. It’s a truly fascinating look into the World of black hair, relaxants and the infamous extensions. Here’s the IMDB link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1213585/
The third book by Jim Collins, Good to Great, is a good read for anyone involved in developing and/or running a business. This book aims to answer some of the questions he ended up with after writing his well known first book, Built to Last. In it, Jim and his amazing research team look into […]
Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ve probably heard about Apple’s announcement of their new iPad tablet device. As a long time Mac user I’m usually really excited about Apple’s new offerings, but this time I’m especially hyped. the iPad seems like such an ideal fit for the salon environment. Can’t you just see […]