Five great hair accessories found on Etsy
Whenever I’m looking for new hair accessories the first place I go is Etsy. Scrolling through pages of fun and unique hair trinkets created by crafty people always makes me feel good! Here are some of my current favourites. Arrow Bobby Pins – handmade, 3 inches long, made by CollectedEdition Bronze Minimalist Hair […]
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Why you need a squad like Amy Schumer
The last couple of weeks have been rough on my self-confidence. You know, those times when it feels like life wants to dump everything on you all at once. Thankfully, I have an amazing squad who’ve helped me stay positive and on track. Being part of an incredible group of trusted and supportive business […]
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Gorgeous interior of Les Dada East Salon in Paris
I came across the gorgeous salon interior of Les Dada East Salon while perusing through Dezeen. Located near Bastille in Paris, the salon was designed by architect Joshua Florquin. Using sheets of hexagon birch plywood panels, the architects wanted to create a natural feeling environment within the city. The panels are backlit so the ceiling has a beautiful […]
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How to give constructive feedback that doesn’t suck.
Good constructive feedback is a powerful way to help others reach their best in the salon and in life. Sadly, most of us are really bad at it and end up offending each other and looking like jerks. It’s a shame because feedback from our peers is one of the best ways we can […]
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Learning how to be friends with criticism in the salon.
“People will tell you that you are wrong. Then they will tell you that you are right, but what you’re doing is really not important. Finally, they will admit that you are right and what you are doing is very important. But after all, they knew it all the time.” Jonas Salk (creator of the […]
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How clean is your washroom?
I love scoping out new places to eat. So, last week I was excited to meet some friends for dinner at a restaurant I’d really been wanting to try. It was a great night out with close friends and good food. The meal was delicious and I really enjoyed myself — until I went into […]
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7 surprising ways journaling can fuel your business and improve your life
Most people don’t think of journaling as a powerful business development tool. But it turns out that writing daily is well known and respected as a great way to improve our businesses and our lives. I read a lot of business and personal development books and take particular notice when common ideas start to reappear […]
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When staff leave who owns the client? Spoiler: the client does.
What’s the best way to handle things when a staff member leaves your salon? I’ve got a bird’s-eye view of the different approaches from working with so many salons through salonMonster. I’ve seen that some can lead to business success and others can be destructive and counter-productive. After talking with a lot of salon owners […]
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Mentoring your team for success
Being a small to medium sized business owner generally means there are always lots of plates to spin ….. just when you have one area of your business whizzing around another starts to wobble and so your focus moves to that plate before it topples. Your business is just like a dinner set, some plates […]
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8 Tips to Make Great Things Happen with an Accountability Buddy
I have a problem. Turns out I suck at prioritizing important tasks that don’t have a sense of urgency. It’s way too easy for me to get caught up with the urgent (and often unimportant) things in life. So I’m trying something new that I’m excited to share with you all! I’ve just started […]
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